NTCIR-16 Dialogue Evaluation Task (DialEval-2)

Recently, many reserachers are trying to build automatic helpdesk systems. However, there are very few methods to evaluate such systems. In DialEval-2, we aim to explore methods to evaluate task-oriented, multi-round, textual dialogue systems automatically. This dataset have the following features:

In DialEval-2, we consider annotations ground truth, and participants are required to predict nugget type for each turn (Nugget Detection, or ND) and dialogue quality for each dialogue (Dialogue Quality, or DQ).


To participate in the DialEval-2 task, please do both (1) and (2).

(1) Visit this NTCIR-16 page, check the information there (e.g. “what participants must do”), and register online. (You can register to other NTCIR-16 tasks as well.)

(2) Send the following information to dialeval2org@list.waseda.jp .

Please tell us in your email message that you have also completed Step (1).

Training data

To obtain the training data, see here.


Comming Soon



During the data annotaiton, we noticed that annotators’ assessment on dialgoues are highly subjective and are hard to consolidate them into one gold label. Thus, we proposed to preserve the diverse views in the annotations “as is” and leverage them at the step of evaluation measure calculation.

Instead of juding whether the estimated label is equal to the gold label, we compare the difference between the estiamted distributions and the gold distributions calculaed by 19 anntators’ annotations). Specifically, we employ these metrics for quality sub-task and nugget sub-task:

For the details about the metrics, please vistit:

Test and Submission

Comming Soon

Have questions?

Please contact: dialeval2org@list.waseda.jp
